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About Us


SFT’s Profile


Company Name   :  PT. Shyang Fung Tian
Vice president  :  Scott Chih
Factory Head  :  Tiffany Lin
Products  :  Rubber Soles
Headquarter  :  Pasar Kemis, Tangerang, Jawa Barat


SFT’s Background


With the roots in shoe industry, where the need for consistent outsole supplied, PT. Shyang Fung Tian (SFT) has grown in one of the top manufacturer in Indonesia. With experience for more than 20 years and focus on lead-time and quality, SFT is working as a fully independent rubber room, and leading the field in rubber soles supply chain in west java.


With deep growth and localizing development strategies, SFT will continue to improve our management system, social & environment affairs and outstanding workmanship in the industry, for becoming the best partners both with domestic and universal clients. We are committed to keep stepping forward, work for innovation and take rubber soles supply chain to the next level.

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Kp. Picung RT.003 RW 005 Kec. Pasar Kemis Kab, Tangerang, Banten 15560
( 021 ) - 59350501
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